Site located at the Northwest corner of the 5th Street alignment and Thomas Road (336, 342, and 346 East Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ) Parcel Nos. 118-21-067B, 118-21-069, and 118-21-072)
Rezoning Case No. Z-46-22
Site located at the Northwest corner of the 5th Street alignment and Thomas Road (336, 342, and 346 East Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ) Parcel Nos. 118-21-067B, 118-21-069, and 118-21-072)
Rezoning Case No. Z-46-22
Chamberlin intends to adapt one of the office buildings (the easternmost building) for restaurant use with outdoor dining. The westernmost office building will be expanded, and the remaining center building will be utilized for commercial/office uses generally shown on the Site Plan attached at Tab B. The Property will also be enhanced with site improvements to the parking lot, landscaping and exterior upgrades to all three buildings. As adaptive reuse, the buildings will not increase in height or intensity and the existing building configuration will remain unchanged.
Benjamin W. Graff – Partner, Quarles & Brady LLP
One Renaissance Square, Two North Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
Telephone: (602) 229-5200
Email: [email protected]
DB Chamberlin Virtual Neighborhood Meeting | ZOOM MEETING INFO
Topic: DB Chamberlin Virtual Neighborhood Meeting
Time: Jul 7, 2022 06:00 PM Arizona
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